Not a Good Guy

2 min readSep 29, 2021

A fall breeze tickles the orange and green leaves

And I realize I have a lot more in common with thieves

Daydreaming, autumn glory outside my window

And my mind chugs along in a gentle flow

It was crystal clear, I’m not a good guy

And it might be time to stop that lie

I’d invite you to peer into my head

But I’ll save your face from being beet red

But hey mister, you’re so selfless

But how I dream for that to be less

Come on mister, you’re a great cheerleader

Since I’m so good, maybe I’ll consider theater

Mister, if you aren’t good then who is?

It seems like I’m breaking your heart with this

Oh well, for my last hurrah how about the honesty policy

Oh I wish you could feel the envy inside me

For so long it snickers and bickers and tints my glare

Dare I say it, yes that should be me in there

Well that’s where my ego says where

If life isn’t, what need do I have to be fair

Again, let me remind you, I’m not the good guy

So for this chapter, good riddance, and good bye

What am I to do, to be the apple of someone’s eye

Not just any eye of course, but her eye

Yes, no longer held under the weight of virtue

And it’s about time that I got a clue

Now it’s my turn to kick while others are down

Now it’s my turn to run terror on the town

But I don’t know, maybe this isn’t it either

So I guess I trot along in the endless ether

Now what if, what if I actually am a good guy

I guess that’s the call on the roll of the final die




Gwendolyn Brooks’ Ignored Protégé. Fledgling Technologist. Amateur Voice Actor.